My Family At TCIS

My Family At TCIS
The Ward Dorm Family of TCIS

Monday, December 6, 2010

What should we do when we are confronted with other cultures?

 Before we go to a different culture, we should expect to find something much different than the culture that we are used to avoid culture shock. When confronted with other cultures, the first thing that we should do is respect their culture, which is almost like respecting what they value the most in life. And when respecting what they value most in life, that will bring respect to you and they will treat you as if you were one of them. They would listen to you and at the same time respect what you have to say. Another thing that you could do when confronting another culture is to offer to them something that they do not have. It would have to be something that they would value later on or even the minute you give it to them, but after giving it and realizing that you can give it, they will respect you more as well. There has to be a reason why you are going to another culture and like Don Richardson, you have to find something in their culture that you are looking for in order to give them what they need, like Don Richardson. Finding one of their biggest values and then relating it to something that you are trying to tell them is something that will help you in what you want to say for the people in that specific culture to understand deeply and accept what it is you are going to say to them. For example, Don Richardson went to the Sawi tribe and the first thing he did was give them things. Then he showed that he actually cared about their culture and then finally he tried to learn their language so that he could later communicate with them. This is all very important when going to another culture that you are very unfamiliar with. This is how Don Richardson got God's message across to the Sawi tribe. And Don Richardson's going to the Sawi is an example of how to confront another culture.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tim
    I think that what you're saying about offering gifts and services when confronting people of other cultures is very smart. Not only is it going to make them happy and in a good mood, but also it is an offering of friendship of establishing a base of trust in that relationship. You're showing them that you care enough about wanting to respect and befriend them that you would like to offer them this gift. I really like that approach and that also brings me to the other huge point that you talked about which is showing that you respect them. I say you're completely right in saying that that's probably the number 1, most important thing you can do when confronting another culture. Respect them. Great post Tim
