My Family At TCIS

My Family At TCIS
The Ward Dorm Family of TCIS

Thursday, December 9, 2010

What does God expect us to do for other cultures and faiths?

When we go to other cultures God wants us to go and then learn about their cultures which is the first thing that he wants us to do and then to respect their cultures as well because He made all and what He has made, is something that we all have to respect and not feel like a different culture is something that isn't new to God but is new to us and should respect like everything else that we knew even though we have never experienced that culture before. This goes the same for Faiths. We should respect everyone's own opinions and faiths and religions even though God might not accept them. But something that we should try and do is getting close to them, respect what they respect most and then finally try and change their mind and their entire world about what they believe in through God. God wants us to preach the Gospel to other people and like Don Richardson to other cultures and may not have even been discovered yet. God wants all to hear about the Gospel and if they are not able to hear about it when you are given the chance, there might not be another chance to preach to them. God expects us to go to cultures and then giving them the message that God wants all to hear about and accept as well. Doing this can then change their perspective and also their entire view of the world.


  1. Great post Tim, it was very compact. When i was reading your post, i agreed to most of what you have said. Even though it was a bit abstruse to understand your main point in the post, i believe what your were trying to say is to respect the cultures and try to truly understand what it is about. However, when you say we can change their perspectives and world view through the message of God, what do you think about those that do that but through violent manners? I think you could have expanded your idea more so that it would be a bit clearer for the reader to understand. However, i really enjoyed reading your post; it was very insightful.

    -Ryan Park

  2. Hey Tim!
    Nice post. God specifically wants us Christians to preach the Gospel to others. At the same time, we have to respect and understand other people's cultures because they are part of God's creation. Good point. Respect. Really, that's all it takes. Good job! (:
    _janis pok

  3. Hey Tim!
    Wow nice post!

    I agree with the things you said on your post. We should preach and be faithful for God, but at the same time, we need to respect the people around us. Since we are all brothers and sisters, we should respect other cultures.

  4. Dear Timmy,
    Very good post. I definitely agree with you that God wants us to respect everyone because He created us all. I also agree and even wrote on my blog that God wants us to preach the Gospel like Don Richardson. Nice post and good job
