My Family At TCIS

My Family At TCIS
The Ward Dorm Family of TCIS

Monday, January 10, 2011

What does Jesus want us to do for Sawi?

When we are confronted with different culture's such as the Sawi, Jesus wants us to lead them to Him. Just like Don Richardson did. First by letting them know there is a bigger world out there and that there are other people who want to hear their story. The first step is to let them know that you want to know about them and their story and that they are significant in your life and that you have interest in them that you want to be with them and relate to them as well. Then after doing that you want to be able to give them something that they do not have but you have something to offer to them that they would value. Thinking of their needs and wants and giving it to them will be more valued than things that you like and would like to give them instead. Then after the people of that culture knows that you are fully interested in them then you would start to for relationships with them. The final step then is to tell them about Jesus and what he has to offer is much greater than they could ever want or need.

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