My Family At TCIS

My Family At TCIS
The Ward Dorm Family of TCIS

Monday, January 10, 2011

What should society do for “uncivilized cultures” like the Sawi?

One thing that society should do is they should NOT try to civilize their cultures only because they are uncivilized. Society should go in and live with the Sawi's "uncivilized cultures" and then try and make the best relationships with the people there while trying not to be eaten as well. With all the technology in the "civilized" world today, there are only some real deep relationships since technology has taken up much of our time and our values have changed from people to objects such as computers, Ipods and other such items that the connected world has to offer today. One thing that we should do is to try and just give them what they need. What they need is the Gospel. Nothing thing that we give to them should mean for us to distract them from this goal of giving them something that will last from the moment you accept it and eternity after.

1 comment:

  1. Not civilize their cultures but rather create a civilized culture....
