My Family At TCIS

My Family At TCIS
The Ward Dorm Family of TCIS

Monday, January 10, 2011

What do mission organisations do for these people?

Mission organizations for these type of people do exactly what Don Richardson did when he was with the Sawi. Mission organizations have something to offer, the Gospel, that will last with the Sawi forever after they accept what is said is true. First they go and try and learn their language which is hard because people have to learn their own language first before they can do anything. They must learn words and then grammar and in which manner they speak their language before they can do anything else since language is the way people communicate. While doing this, then people like Don Richardson will then give them something that they can use for the better of what they need to do or get done. What Don Richardson gave to the Sawi were steel axes and that helped the Sawi when they needed to ever work to make a house or a new boat or anything like that. Finally after settling down with that specific culture and then making deep relationships with the people there then you would tell those people about Jesus and they will listen because you are considered a dear friend to them and have come from another world to live in their's which is a big sacrifice. It is a sacrifice since you have left home, friends, and family to be with people that you know need the Gospel.

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