My Family At TCIS

My Family At TCIS
The Ward Dorm Family of TCIS

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

How did Christianity change this culture?

From the previous Sawi culture to now, the Sawi culture took a huge leap forward. Before and when Don Richardson arrived there was still cannibalism and "fattening for friendship" a lot. There were wars when he was there as well and it seemed as if a lot of things in the culture was wrong and shouldn't have happened. However after receiving the Word, they changed dramatically knowing that what they were doing was wrong. This happened because Don Richardson finally found a connection to the way that their culture related to how God gave His only Son for the sins of the world. The leader of the Tribe was at first the only Christian but after sharing the connection of having to give his only son as well as a "Peace Child" and knowing that God did the same for him, helped in expressing his feelings to the other Sawi people. He then knew that people should not be eating and having wars because God had given His "Peace Child", Jesus, as the Peace Child for every wrong from one person to another. Knowing this and having felt this for the first time, the Sawi now realized that they have been doing wrong the whole time and now they are trying to follow the ultimate example of righteousness, God the father giving His only Son, Jesus, as the ultimate Peace Child.

How does Faith relate to the world in which we live?

Faith can be related to anything in predicting something to be true to faith in a culture. Faith in this world in the sense without religion can be examples such as when sitting on a chair knowing that the chair will hold you up, or when crossing the street that the car pointed at you is going to stop. Things such as these are believed by many people all around the world. But faith in the sense of religion is more complicated because it is not constantly practiced such as sitting on a chair or crossing the road to get to the other side. Faith in a religion is something where you only get one chance into trying to do right in your life or in trying to believe in something that will give you more after death. Christianity is a religion where having faith and really believing in Jesus will make it possible for God to give you the gift of salvation and then leading to eternal life. Faith in religion is only a one time thing. It is either that you made the right choice and then you get what you believed in or you get it wrong and then you are dead forever.

Monday, January 10, 2011

What do mission organisations do for these people?

Mission organizations for these type of people do exactly what Don Richardson did when he was with the Sawi. Mission organizations have something to offer, the Gospel, that will last with the Sawi forever after they accept what is said is true. First they go and try and learn their language which is hard because people have to learn their own language first before they can do anything. They must learn words and then grammar and in which manner they speak their language before they can do anything else since language is the way people communicate. While doing this, then people like Don Richardson will then give them something that they can use for the better of what they need to do or get done. What Don Richardson gave to the Sawi were steel axes and that helped the Sawi when they needed to ever work to make a house or a new boat or anything like that. Finally after settling down with that specific culture and then making deep relationships with the people there then you would tell those people about Jesus and they will listen because you are considered a dear friend to them and have come from another world to live in their's which is a big sacrifice. It is a sacrifice since you have left home, friends, and family to be with people that you know need the Gospel.

What should society do for “uncivilized cultures” like the Sawi?

One thing that society should do is they should NOT try to civilize their cultures only because they are uncivilized. Society should go in and live with the Sawi's "uncivilized cultures" and then try and make the best relationships with the people there while trying not to be eaten as well. With all the technology in the "civilized" world today, there are only some real deep relationships since technology has taken up much of our time and our values have changed from people to objects such as computers, Ipods and other such items that the connected world has to offer today. One thing that we should do is to try and just give them what they need. What they need is the Gospel. Nothing thing that we give to them should mean for us to distract them from this goal of giving them something that will last from the moment you accept it and eternity after.

What does Jesus want us to do for Sawi?

When we are confronted with different culture's such as the Sawi, Jesus wants us to lead them to Him. Just like Don Richardson did. First by letting them know there is a bigger world out there and that there are other people who want to hear their story. The first step is to let them know that you want to know about them and their story and that they are significant in your life and that you have interest in them that you want to be with them and relate to them as well. Then after doing that you want to be able to give them something that they do not have but you have something to offer to them that they would value. Thinking of their needs and wants and giving it to them will be more valued than things that you like and would like to give them instead. Then after the people of that culture knows that you are fully interested in them then you would start to for relationships with them. The final step then is to tell them about Jesus and what he has to offer is much greater than they could ever want or need.